Window Leaks
Window leaks are common in ageing homes. After years of extreme temperatures, varying weather conditions and building settling, windows are no longer air- or water-tight. Window frames can become damaged, glazing seals broken or the entire unit can become out of square (leaving gaps where water can seep in.)
While older windows often experience water leaks, newer ones can also be at risk. Generally, there are three key areas that cause windows to leak: house design, installation and maintenance.
House Design:
– Lack of overhangs to drain water off the roof and protect wind-driven rainwater from entering through the windows.
– Improperly angled fascia board above the window. It should be angled outward to direct water away from the unit.
– Poorly installed windows or breaks in the flashing will allow water infiltration.
– Using building paper or house wrap instead of specially designed window flashing will allow water to seep behind the paper and into the wall area around the windows.
– Broken or missing caulking at the window flange and at seams.
– Cracked glazing putty—the glass seal will be broken and allow for moisture and condensation to get between double-glazed windows.
– No paint seal—paint should slightly overlap from the window molding to the glass to create a tight seal.